Morning Song

Sparrows singing their morning songSee more photos of animals on Camera Critters

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Dar's Foto Faze said…
Looks like they are talking about something important.
Anonymous said…
That is one great shot! Great zoom! My critter is up here, feel free to visit anytime. Happy weekends!
Sandy Kessler said…
They they are - keep your eye upon the sparrow sandy
Marvellous capture so sweet.
Anonymous said…
The garden telegraph!
marLou said…
Great image! I like how you shot it.
Lilli & Nevada said…
Gracious, these look some chattering birds, wonder what they were chattering about LOL
b13 said…
Now THAT is a congregation!
ratmammy said…
Very nice close up!
Tootie said…
Cute! It seems as though they think that fence was put there just for their comfort. :-)
Anonymous said…
What a great shot! I really like this. :-)
bobbie said…
I love this photo. I can almost hear them!
TwD said…
I love the photo, one of the best I have seen in CC!
Anonymous said…
What a neat picture!